An application for college is a long process which consists of two main stages: preparation and essential part. Students should reflect more on their career plans and future profession.
The decision to apply for a given college is not an easy one; it requires preparation, a lot of inquiries, talks with teachers and counselors, and also the approval of one’s parents. You should take decision at least one year before the application date, as you will have enough time to be prepared for an interview, to receive better marks at school, to participate in more extracurricular activities, and, of course, to write your application essay.
As with every other type of essay, there are some rules to be followed by the applicant. You should carefully follow the instructions here, and also to attempt to express your own feelings and thoughts (not copy-paste from other sources).
How to write a good college application essay – 7 vital tips
1. Prepare yourself for writing
Browse the internet for various essays; read some books with instructions. Be familiar with the history, structure and requirements of the college you are applying for.
2. Pay heed to the context of your application
That means: your definite age, experience, desirable profession, and so forth. Always keep in mind that your essay will be examined by flesh-and-blood people. Imagine you are sitting next to them: what will you tell them? How will you behave? In short: write your essay in such a way so it fits within a more general framework including your competence and experience.
3. Tell about your personal experiences

Tell a little about your personal experiences (events from family life, traveling, romantic relations, friendships, visits to institutions, etc.). Is there anything which has influenced your worldview? Write it down. Is there anyone you have admired as a child? Write it down.
4. Tell about your choice
Now you should tell more about your choice: why you have chosen this profession, this college, this application period? Do you have any experiences in this field? If you are applying for different colleges, or different majors, then use caution: don’t mention you are interested in other fields. Your essay should sound as convincing as possible. Never give the reader the reason to think that you are hesitating.
5. Tell about your achievements
Tell about your prizes, awards, and competitions. Don’t list all of them; you should merely single out those which are relevant to your application. Explain the context of your achievements.
6. Work on grammar and style
Work on grammar and style of your essay: the sentences should be coherent, the essay must flow; there should be logical order in the paper; the essay should be free of grammar and punctuation mistakes. For that reason you’d better find a friend to proofread the paper. Of course, people make mistakes under the influence of the internet communication, so don’t be in despair if you have plenty of them. Revise your essay several times in order to improve it.
7. Present only your authentic work
Don’t think about plagiarism at all. Reveal your best sides. Your essay is your personality! As we cannot be one and the same human being, every essay also has its own character and atmosphere. Otherwise, the interview will have fatal consequences for your application.
Whatever the result is, your essay may be used as a ground upon which you will construct your CV. Remember: if it doesn’t work the first time, the moment will come when your paper will be of use to you.