Every essay should draw the reader’s attention. To write an appropriate introduction is like to dress yourself in an attractive way. Introduction is never enough to impress the reader, but still it may make him want to know more about the topic of your essay.
Whether short or long, your introduction acts as an advertisement; it brings attention to your essay.

On the other hand, it is important what you tell your reader in the introduction: do not be too substantial, but use easy terminology for comprehending. The reader must know more about your way to solve the formulated problem, and also will judge your methodology. The style you employ at the beginning should be coherent with both the substantial part and the conclusion. If you prefer asking rhetorical questions, then in the substantial part you must also make use of them; if you make references to past research on the topic, then you must do it throughout your essay; and so on.
There are various strategies for writing the introduction for an essay. It is allowed to use your creativity here, as there aren’t any strict rules for writing. However, several strategies can be discerned.
How to write a good essay introduction – 3 important tips
1. Refer to other research projects or results
You may write your introduction by using some concepts, theories, and names associated with the topic of your essay. Such a strategy is also useful since it may attract persons interested in some of the mentioned theories or conceptions.
2. Introduction of your research questions, thesis and method of research
The preponderant majority of scientists exploit this strategy because it helps the reader grasp the author’s intention from the beginning. It’s recommended not to set forth your thesis at the very beginning! The first paragraph should be focused on the topic; afterwards write another paragraph, now introducing your thesis.
3. Non-traditional: catching the reader’s attention by using rhetorical questions, paradoxical assertions, repudiation of renowned theories or conceptions, and so forth
This type of introduction is used by representatives of the humanities, or by authors of essays on well-known topics. Having read plenty of papers on the subject, the reader may be bored to read another one; hence, he will be impressed by an essay starting with such assertions. Remember: this is an appropriate strategy to attract more attention. If, however, you wish to be treated as a serious and strict scientist/author, please do not use it!
The strategies listed above do not cover all possible ways to write your introduction. Let’s make it clear again; it is up to you how you will write it. We can only give you some additional tips:
- Even though the length of the introduction cannot be subjected to a specific rule, it is recommended to have it not longer than one page.
- Use less complicated terms; be clear. Specified terminology should be used in the substantial part of your paper.
- Explain the title and the topic clearly.
- Say a little bit about the context of your research (not necessary; write it only if you think it would add more clarity to the research questions or the thesis).
- You can decide whether to employ statistical data or not. At any rate, the data you want to use should be only included as a way to catch the reader’s attention, and not as an argument in favor of your thesis (the right place for arguments is the substantial part of your essay).
As a conclusion, it may be said that the introduction reflects its author’s creativity and originality. Do not forget: it is only a small part of your paper; present your essential ideas in the substantial part of the essay. Write your introduction in such a way so to catch the reader’s attention; this will be enough.